This film just won four Golden Globe awards last night. It's called Emilia Pérez and is about a Mexican drug kingpin who becomes a transgender woman (who renames himself Emilia, hence the title). This scene shows his lawyer doing research for him on the surgery. This is what Hollywood thinks is quality entertainment these days.
"Joe Biden = Bart Simpson 'saying I didn't do it'_ 😔"
I'm Joe Biden, I did nothing wrong when I allowed my administration to use the mass media branch of the world's military industrial complex to lie about the deadliness of the Covid-19 virus along with the so called super awesome effectiveness of the mRna injection; all while using that Chaos to print way too much money which has all mostly gone straight to those who were already wealthy in the first place, meaning this was in fact a direct act to intentionally steal money from the poor and give it to the already rich.
I'm Joe Biden. I definitely did nothing wrong when I kept the border wide open, allowing in tons of criminals and deadly street drugs, all while allowing my fellow democrats to say stupid shit like 'defund the police'.
I'm Joe Biden and didn't do anything wrong when my drug addict son had some kind of shady dealings going on in 'The Ukraine', something that we the people only found out about because of a laptop. A laptop that ...