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September 26, 2024
Powerful "Joker" themed Trump campaign ad by Dilley Meme Team
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friendly reminder, I usually don't put NSFW warnings on posts here on Locals, so be aware that they may occasionally contain language that's not suitable for children or coworkers.

3 hours ago
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"Picking Winners & Losers"

  • Gambling in Canadian Casinos is likely funding the spread of Global Communist Ideology.

  • loyalty points programs, credit card bonuses, stock markets and or any bitcoin like financial institutions are all likely helping to fund the spread of Globalist Communist Ideology.

'Canada never was' is a hard thing to admit since The Canadaian Identity is freedom. To admit 'Canada never was' is to admit freedom has never existed on Earth. Yes,p in the very moment that The USA had beaten The Brittish to gain their independence, it was instantly obvious to the whole world, it's seen as inevitable that Canada will be absorbed by the USA. Is this Good or Bad or, I don't know: but what better choice do we Canadaisns have.

In Canada's Casino's I have personally seen so much of what I can only call "the intentional suspension of normal probability" where Canadian Casino's are so very obviously showing us all that they have the ability to pick who will win and who will lose....

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