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She is Correct About Kamala Voters

friendly reminder, I usually don't put NSFW warnings on posts here on Locals, so be aware that they may occasionally contain language that's not suitable for children or coworkers.

Old Joe Quits! (voice clone meme)
Biden Breaks Black Woman's Heart

On the bright side, black girls seem to be safe from Old Joe sniffing them.

3 hours ago
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Had to post this here…. LOL!!

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'Freeland the Victim': @ClintonJaws-X/Twitter-Comment/YT-link..

@ClintonJaws 1/5_ As a voter: What I want to see in question period is one side asking a question, & the other side answering it simply, straight forward, & most definitely not avoiding the question or worse side tracking the conversation like psycho’s.

@ClintonJaws 2/5_I want 2 see questions answered in a very HONEST WAY, THAT'S MOST IMPORTANT; but it's also very important 4 our leaders 2 answer questions in a quick, concise, & mature/grown up fashion. Dishonest Weak A-holes who fancy themselves leaders WILL LOSE VOTES. AMEN ..

@ClintonJaws 3/5_ Obviously 2 do anything else as stated above is 2 make a mockery out of Democracy 4 the purpose of making everyday voters so disillusioned & or so angry that people get so tired of politics...& we all let communism take over by way of a lack of public attention.

@ClintonJaws 4/5_What I definitely don't want to see as a voter is the side that's ...

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