Mark Dice
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August 05, 2024

🤔🇺🇸👉🏼 Don’t let the middle eastern, dangerous, camel get its raunchy nose under the tent; otherwise you’ll soon find it inside, destroying and stinking up everything decent!!!

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She is Correct About Kamala Voters

friendly reminder, I usually don't put NSFW warnings on posts here on Locals, so be aware that they may occasionally contain language that's not suitable for children or coworkers.

Old Joe Quits! (voice clone meme)
Biden Breaks Black Woman's Heart

On the bright side, black girls seem to be safe from Old Joe sniffing them.


Video from this morning has audio that looks like it should’ve been scrubbed. Around 9:10 seconds

September 05, 2024

It doesn’t get anymore simple than this.

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September 05, 2024

You think Trump is such a great option for America? Think again.

I am not a leftist loon. Please watch and begin to understand that Trump is not who you say he is:

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