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March 28, 2024
The Sad Truth About that "Gender Non-Binary" Student Who Died

Remember that "gender non binary" girl the media blamed Libs of TikTok for "inciting" a group of girls to beat her to death in the school bathroom, only for the police body cam footage to later be released proving in the girl's own words she started the fight (which didn't have anything to do with her "identity" ) and didn't die from her wounds, she sadly later committed suicide (which was then also blamed on Libs of TikTok).

Well now more details have surfaced showing that the girl's father had been raping her ever since she was very young (and was arrested and imprisoned for it) which undoubtedly caused her severe mental illness including gender dysphoria, depression, and cutting.

He was arrested again two weeks before she killed herself after being released from prison (after just five years for raping a child, cuz in the United States of Sodom and Gomorraha the government lets those kinds of monsters back into our communities after just a few years) for not registering as a sex offender.

So instead of the liberal media calling for child molesters to get the death penalty and advocating for therapy for kids who suffer from gender dysphoria, they swept the facts under the rug as usual and then blamed normal people who oppose the gender non-binary nonsense for her "murder."

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Nancy Mace Doesn't Care Anymore! haha

Congressswoman Nancy Mace doesn't care about the political correct police anymore.

January 31, 2025
The funniest deep fake of the year.

For you millenials and zoomers, this is how everyone talked before the cultural marxist revolution and the thought police started canceling everyone.

January 11, 2025
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February 19, 2025
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"If UR against FreeSpeech 2day = I'm against U tomorrow!"😎

If we can talk 2 eachother, ..
.. then we're less likely 2B made by bad actors ..
.. 2 fight eachother in a major war.


If UR Against FREE-SPEECH 2day ..
.. logically ..
.. I'll B AGAINST U 2morrow.😎

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