Andrew Tate literally openly bragged about grooming 15 and 16 year old girls to work as camgirls for him in Romania where it's legal for girls 16 to engage in pornography. He is a degenerate pimp. Why do so many "conservatives" endorse him? Because he's so controversial, they know it will get them views. They are about getting clicks and money over values and principles. It's not "cancel culture" to simply not promote someone. He can spew his garbage on his own accounts, he doesn't need the endorsement and promotion of big brand name conservatives.
The popularity of Andrew Tate in conservative circles is disturbing, and leeches like Click Bait Benny Johnson will boost him simply because he'll get their channels views, but people should know who the real Andrew Tate is, and he's not some anti-New World Order freedom fighter. The dude is pure evil. Watch:
Human garbage can Andrew Tate insists that pedophilia exists because men are unhappy with their wives, and promotes open relationships as the "cure."
Andrew Tate has always been a major douche bag. Not really any original or insightful thoughts coming out his mouth, just a guy who became internet famous by duping a bunch of teens into clipping and reposting his content everywhere along with affiliate links to his multi level marketing "university" thinking they'd get some easy money.
Dude's a dead beat dad too, with numerous bastard children, who made his money as a camgirl king pin, and quit frankly looks like a moron wearing sunglasses indoors all the time. As far as the slew of charges he's facing, innocent until proven guilty, but based on his countless public statements about his past behavior (which most of his fans haven't seen), I would be surprised if he DIDN'T do the things he's accused of.
"Christianity is Definitely PRO-JEW: ONE PEOPLE!"
The Jews are, in increasingly higher and higher numbers, turning to join Christianity; please don't slow the process by trying to say the Jewish Religion is wrong: Jesus Christ never said the Jewish Religion is wrong, only that some High up Jews aren't doing it correctly..
.. long story short, 'Jesus Christ simpified mankinds Salvation',..
.. If Jewish People want to be saved by God the hard way, by staying traditional Jews: I don't see a problem with that.
"Milton_Friedman/Tom_Sowell=obv._lie_of_ommission !"
Do notice no extreme left wing individual has ever tried to describe what UBI might look like and what it's obvious benefits would be; It's becoming increasingly clear to me that in 1913 'THEY' knew 'THEY' ...