The fact that nothing happened in America yesterday on the “Global Day of Jihad” which was called for by a Hamas leader, just further shows that this latest iteration of the Israel-Palestinian war is not America’s war.
Many were fearing a massive wave of terrorist attacks here, like the ones Hamas carried out in Israel last weekend, but nothing happened. The conflict there has been going on there for 75 years, and it’s not our problem.
We have plenty of our own. There are tragedies around the world every day. We can’t abandon our own citizens to go and try to help others at the expense of Americans every time we see viral videos and a news cycle about conflicts on the other side of the globe.
Yes it’s sad. There’s a lot of sad things in the world. But America can’t rob Peter to pay Paul. We have to take care of OUR citizens. Our borders. And our country.
Remember: Al-Qaeda attacked the United States on 9/11, not because they “hate our freedom” as the Operation Mockingbird assets all sung in concert, but because of our financial and military backing of Israel which angers many Muslims around the world who side with the Palestinians in the ongoing territorial disputes in the region.
Years later when Congressman Ron Paul said that the attacks were “blowback for decades of US intervention in the Middle East” he was attacked for “blaming America,” but the intelligence agencies and foreign policy experts all know the truth.
Inside job / false flag theories aside, this was still the case. One of the most prominent “conspiracy theories” of what happened is the LIHOP hypothesis, the “let it happen on purpose” theory, which doesn’t negate Al-Quada’s hatred for America or their involvement in planning and carrying out the attacks on 9/11 (even if they were aided and directed by the CIA and other intelligence agencies).
This is why the Iranian government (and Muslim terrorist organizations like Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Hamas, etc.) call America the “Great Satan,” and sometimes chant “Death to America.”
We need to put America FIRST. This is not our war. It's not our problem. Those who make it our problem are going to only bring those problems to our shore again. (My new book goes into much more detail. Coming out in about a month). It's going to seem like a normal book on the surface, but looks can be deceiving. It goes very deep into some taboo subjects. Very deep. Coming soon.
Congressswoman Nancy Mace doesn't care about the political correct police anymore.
"If UR against FreeSpeech 2day = I'm against U tomorrow!"😎
If we can talk 2 eachother, ..
.. then we're less likely 2B made by bad actors ..
.. 2 fight eachother in a major war.